The piece is arranged in Progressive Folk style and tells a love story full of reproach. Yarê means beloved in Kurdish. The arrangements are strong enough to establish a connection between the past and the present. The piece is performed by master names such as Cenk Erdoğan, Ediz Hafızoğlu and Hakan Gürbüz. Yarê, which came to life again with Rewşan's extraordinary interpretation, entered the Spotify Equel Turkey listening list in August 2022. The cover of Yarê, designed by Melek Boçoğlu, was exhibited as one of Turkey's best designs at the GMK 41st Graphic Design Exhibition.
Yarê must be one of the most beautiful songs of the old generation. When Rewşan decided to record the song, the great master Şivan Perwer was very happy and said, "A strong bridge must be built between us and the new generation of musicians. All of these songs belong to our people, and Yarê is one of the most special works with its story full of reproach. Today's generation should be able to listen to these songs from you in different genres and interpretations, this in itself is a great cultural contribution."