Mala Te li Kêrê ye


pişta xwe nede min
berê xwe bide min
bi herdu lêvan bêje
were min were min

were min bibêje
dilê min birêje
ji bo peyvên lêvên te
guhdar im ji mêj e

ez bo te digirnijim
dost im ez ne dij im
chima tu nalivî
ez bo te disojim

mala te li kêrê ye
li cem kîj dêrê ye
ji evrokê pê ve
rêya min wêrê ye

delîvê bide min
dilê xwe bispêrim
awir û hezrên min
bo te digirnijim

dê dê bigirnije
weke min bisoje
bersiva min bidet
bes e min bikuje

mala te li kêrê ye
li cem kîj dêrê ye
ji evrokê pê ve
rêya min wêrê ye

Gotin: Rewshan- Dr Ebdurahman haji
Music: Dr Ebdurahman Haji

Don't turn your back on me
turn your face to me
Say it with both lips
come... come to me

Come and tell me
make my heart burn
for the promise on your lips
I've been waiting forever

I'll smile for you
I'm a friend, not an enemy
why don't you fight back
I burn towards you

where is your home?
near which church?
there is no before today
That's my way

Give me a chance
I'll lean my heart
my thought, my being
smiles at you

Come on, smile.
burn like me
Give me an answer
Enough, don't kill me

where is your home?
near which church?
there is no before today
That's my way

Lyrics: Rewshan- Dr Ebdurahman haji
Music: Dr Ebdurahman Haji


don't turn your back on me
turn your face to me
Say it with both your lips
come... come to me

come tell me
save my heart
for the words on your lips
I've been waiting since eternity

I smile towards you
I'm a friend, not an enemy
why don't you respond
I burn towards you

where is your home
next to which church
Not a day sooner
my way is there

give me a chance
let me lay my heart
my looks, my thoughts
smiles at you

come on, you smile too
like me, you burn too
give me an answer
enough don't kill me

where is your home
next to which church
not a day sooner
my way is there

Lyrics Rewshan- Dr Ebdurahman haji
Music: Dr Ebdurahman Haji

Ax Eman


Çeplî zerê lê berda
Te dilê'm kiriye behra derda
Însaf bike delalê canê
Serê min bibe ser zenda

Ax eman, eman, eman
Tu kulîlka dora çeman
Were were ezî (lawko) qurban

Te şêrînê av-sherbetê
Biçûktiya min da dilê'm ketê
Niza'm çima nikarim ji bîr bikim
Heta roja qiyametê

Çûme nava çavreşan
Çima te tiliya min kişand
Ji bo hubb û eşqa dilan
Zerba dilê min êşand

Te çavreşê birû qeyta î
Tu gulî li ber bîna min î
Xewa şevan li min herimî
Seet û gavê li bîra min î

A blonde got engaged
He's turned me into a river of troubles.
Have mercy, my darling beauty
Let me lean on your shoulder for a moment

Oh my, oh my, oh my, oh my
You're the flower by the stream
Come, come, my victim

You're sweet, you're sherbet
You're the one I set my heart on as a child
For some reason I can't forget
Until the Day of Judgement

I went to the land of the coal-eyed
Why did you squeeze my finger at the halay?
You burnt my heart
In the name of love, in the name of love

You, my black eyes, my thin eyebrows
You're a rose I smell
I can't sleep at night
I can't forget, not even for a moment.

A golden haired girl aimed at me,
And turned my heart into a river of sorrow.
Have some mercy my sweet love,
Let me rest my head on your shoulder.

Oh eman eman eman eman,
You are the flower around the sides of the river.
Come, come this boy's love you.

You the sweetest sorbet,
I've been in love with you since my childhood.
I don't know why, I won't be able to forget you,
Until the doomsday.

I've gone in dancing amongst blacked eyes,
Why did you squeeze my finger?
For the sake of love,
You've hurt the deepest of my heart.

You, with black eyes, with thin eyebrows,
You are a rose waiting for me to smell.
I no longer can sleep at night,
You are on my mind all the time.

Lo Berde


Şevek di nîvê şevê da lo, di giraniya xewê da
Destê xwe da destê min lo, di bin roniya hîvê da
De berde de berde, lawo destê min berde
Evînî bi kul û derd e lo, lawo destê min berde

Min tu dîtî li hewzê gulan, sibê, nîvro û êvaran
Te ez dîtim li hewzê gulan, sibê, nîvro û êvaran
Dest avête gerdenê lo, xişîn ketiye guharan
De berde de berde, lawo destê min berde
Evînî bi kul û derd e lo, lawo destê min berde

In the middle of the night with its darkness,
His hand reached for mine in the moonlight.
Let go, let go of my hand, my brave, let go.
Love is pain and suffering, let it go.

I used to see you all day long in the rose garden /
You used to see me all day long in the rose garden
The earrings looked chic, his hand wandering round my neck.
Let go, let go of me, my brave, let go.
Love is pain and suffering, let it go.

Dark in the night, in sweetness of sleep
He just held my hands, under the moonlight
Oh leave me boy, let go off my hand
Love is full of pain and suffering, oh boy just let go off my hand.

I saw you in the pond of roses all the time
You saw me in the pond of roses all the time
You touched my breast, and heard the sound of my earrings
Oh leave me boy, let go off my hand
Love is full of pain and suffering, oh boy just let go off my hand.

Keçê Canê


Keçê canê li ser xatira te
Her ro ez tême mala te
Dil ji eşqa te ra hate
Keçê canê, Keçê canê

Keçê canê te bernadim
Te bi hemî dinyayê nadim
Bi eşqa te zor dilşad im
Keçê canê, Keçê canê

Min divêtin du hewser bin
Du mêrarî, du gewher bin
Rêk û pêk û ser û ber bin
Keçê canê, Keçê canê

Min divêt bûk û zava bin
Bo êg ronahiya çava bin (ji bo hev)
Sherbeta li ser lêva bin
Keçê canê, Keçê canê

Keçê li ser te diceng im
Xortek aza me bi seng im
Xwedan mijûyeka sheng im
Keçê canê, Keçê canê

Bes bibêje te çi divêtin
Rast û çep dê bo te hêtin
Aqilmend im ne ez shêt im
Keçê canê, Keçê canê

Keçê canê li ser xatira te
Every roj ez tême mala te
Dil ji eşqa te ra hate
Keçê canê, Keçê canê

Keçê canê te bernadim
Te bi hemî dinyayê nadim
Bi eşqa te zor dilşad im
Keçê canê, Keçê canê


For your sake, dear girl
I come to your house every day
My heart fell for your love
Dear girl, dear girl

I won't leave you, dear girl
I wouldn't change it for the world
I'm so happy with your love
Dear girl, dear girl

I'd like us to be mates
Let's be two jewels, two gems
Let's be neat and tidy
Dear girl, dear girl

I wish we could be bride and groom
Let us be the apple of each other's eye
Let's be the syrup on the lips
Dear girl, dear girl

I'm fighting for you, dear girl
I'm a young lad, I'm strong
I have a cheerful mind
Dear girl, dear girl

You just tell me what you want.
I'll line up the left and right for you.
I'm wise, I'm not mad
Dear girl, dear girl

For your sake, dear girl
I come to your house every day
My heart fell for your love
Dear girl, dear girl

I won't leave you, dear girl
I wouldn't change it for the world
I'm so happy with your love
Dear girl, dear girl

For your sake dear girl
I come to your house every day
My heart fell in love
Dear girl, dear girl

I won't leave you dear girl
I wouldn't trade it for the world
I'm so happy with your love
Dear girl, dear girl

I want us to be spouses
Let's be two jewels, two gems
Let's be clean and orderly
Dear girl, dear girl

I want us to be bride and groom
Let's be the light of each other's eyes
Let's be the sherbet on your lips
Dear girl, dear girl

I'm fighting for you dear girl
I'm a young lad, I'm strong
I have a cheerful mind
Dear girl, dear girl

Just tell me what you want
I'll align left and right for you
I'm smart, I don't go crazy
Dear girl, dear girl

For your sake dear girl
I come to your house every day
My heart fell in love
Dear girl, dear girl

I won't leave you dear girl
I wouldn't trade it for the world
I'm so happy with your love
Dear girl, dear girl

Wext Lazim Bû


Emr bihûrî, dilê'm sar bû
Bêbext yarê, ez nû fêr bûm
Emr bihûrî, dilê'm sar bû
Bêbext yarê, qey evîn ev bû

Ji te re wext lazim bû
Ji çahla dilê min derkevî

Ax de heylê, heylê, heylê, heylê,
Heylê û heylê
Ji çahla dilê min derkevî

Nizanim ez, çima yarê
Weşandim wek pelê darê
Nizanim ez, çima yarê
Xapandim ez, serê carê

Tu li ber çavên min reş bûyî
Ji çahla dilê min derkevî

Ax de heylê, heylê, heylê, heylê,
Heylê û heylê
Ji çahla dilê min derkevî

Gotin-Music: Dr Ahmet Kaya

My life has passed and my heart has grown cold
Oh, my unfortunate lover, I've just learnt
My life has passed and my heart has grown cold
Oh, unlucky lover, is this love?

Time needed
To get you out of the well of my heart

Oh, yâr, yâr, yâr
Oh, man, oh, man,
Come out of the well of my heart

I don't know why
He shed my leaves like a tree
I don't know why
He cheated on me every time

You're out of my sight
Come out of the well of my heart

Oh, yar, yar, yar, yar
Oh, yar, yar, yar, yar
Come out of the well of my heart

Lyrics-Music: Dr Ahmet Kaya

The years went by, my heart went cold,
My traitor heart, just now letting me know.
The years went by, my heart went cold
My traitor heart, is this what love was?

Time was needed for me,
To get you out of the deepest of my heart.

Oh oh oh oh oh,
Oh and oh,
Get out of the deepest of my heart.

I don't know why my love,
Why you shook me like the leaf of the trees?
I don't know why my love
Why you fooled me every time?

You've discredited yourself in my eyes,
Get out of the deepest of my heart.

Oh oh oh oh oh,
Oh and oh,
Get out of the deepest of my heart

Lyrics-Music: Dr Ahmet Kaya

Taxa Filla


Ne min go ji te re em neçin taxa van fillan
Were diyarê werdekan,
Were diyarê werdekan çavên bi kilan
Memikê wana sêv in wek top û gulan
Welle wê ji me bibin,
Bille wê ji me bibin meheba dila

Çend car min got ji te re em neçin taxa wan
Bejina wan zirav in,
Bejina wan zirav in mînanî hêlan
Kenê wan dirijin ji dev û lêvan
Welle wê ji me bibin,
Bille wê ji me bibin ax dîn û îman

Hin ji wan cotecot in, hin çareçar in
Hin ji wan qey bi dost in,
Hin ji wan qey bi dost in hinek bi yar in
Hin ji wan rûkê wana sêva ser dar in
Hin ji wan min chinî hisht,
Hin ji wan min çinî hişt hinek min xwar in.

Ax min rû kur kirin simbêla berdan
Tu ji min bawer bike,
Tu ji min bawer bike bike biguman
Çi dîn îman hebû ew jî min berdan
Tizbiya destê min jî,
Tizbiya destê min jî ma li taxa wan

Gotin Mihemmed Alî Heso
Music: Aram Tigran

Didn't I tell you not to go to this Christian neighbourhood?
Come to the land of sunas,
Come to the land of kohl-eyed sunas.
Their navels resemble apples, like balls and cannonballs
They'll take the sultan of hearts away from us.

How many times have I told you not to go to their neighbourhood?
They are thin in stature,
Their stature is thin like saplings
Smiles fall from your mouth and lips
I swear to God and I know they'll turn us away from the faith.

Some in pairs, some in fours.
As if some have a friend, some have a half
Some with apple cheeks
Some I plucked and left
I ate some of them.

Oh, I gave up my beard,
I've left my moustache
Believe me,
Believe me, believe me without a doubt
They made me lose my faith.
Oh, the rosary in my hand
Even the rosary in my hand is left in their neighbourhood

Lyrics: Mihemmed Ali Heso
Music: Aram Tigran

Didn't I tell you, that we shouldn't go to the Christian neighbourhood.
Come to the land of the drake,
Come to the land of the drake, the land of eye-lined eyes.
Their breasts are apples, like balls and canons,
They will steal from us, our heart conversation.

How many times did I tell you, we shouldn't to go to their neighbourhood.
Their bodies are slim,
Their bodies are slim all lined up
Their laughters are pouring out, through their mouths and lips.
I swear they will steal both our religion and faith.

Some walk around in couples, and others in fours.
Some have darlings, and others have lovers.
Some of them have faces like apples on trees.
Some which plucked me and others ate me up.

Oh, I cut of my beard and left my mustache
Believe you me, approach them with suspicion.
Whatever religion and faith I had in me, I abandoned.
Even the rosary I had in my hand, got left in their neighborhood.

Lyrics: Mihemmed Alî Heso
Music: Aram Tigran

Kirasê Te


Kirasê te meles e, ha wer lê, ha wer lê, ha wer lê
Min dabû ber meqes e, can û can, can qurban
Îro min dostê xwe dît, ha wer lê, ha wer lê, ha wer lê
Por sor û çavên reş e, can û can, can qurban

Krasê te medirum e, ha wer lê, ha wer lê, ha wer lê
Hurik hurik didirûme, can û can, can qurban
Heçî yara wî tune, ha wer lê, ha wer lê, ha wer lê
Ji herdû dinyan mehrûm e, can û can, can qurban

Kirasê te heft colour e, ha wer lê, ha wer lê, ha wer lê
Kirasê te heft colour e, can û can, can qurban
Li gundê me govend e, can û can, can qurban
Li gundê me govend e, can û can, can qurban

Gotin-Music: Gelêrî ji Çanda Kurdî

Your dress is made of tulle, come on, come on, come on
I'll sew it with my hands, I'll sacrifice my life
I saw my mate today, come on
Her hair is red, her eyes are black, she is a victim

Your dress is seamless, come on
I'll sew it fine, I'll sacrifice my life
Whoever has no half, come on
He is deprived of both worlds, can, can, can sacrifice

Your dress is seven colours, come on
There's a festival in our village, I can sacrifice my life

Lyrics-Music: Traditional Kurdish Song

Your dress is made of tulle, come on, come on
I sew with my own hands, my dear
I saw my friend today, come on
Her hair is red, her eyes are black, my dear

Your dress is seamless, come on
I sew finely, my dear
Whoever has no have a darling, come on
He is deprived of both worlds, my dear

Your dress is seven colours, come on
There is a wedding in our village, my dear

Lyrics-Music: Traditional Kurdish Song



Neither tîr û ne xencer bû
Neither mar nor dragon
Neither shûr û nor shashder bû
Bêhna gulê ez kuştim

Neither kanî nor robar e
Dinê êvar û sar e
Erd evraz û xwar e gulê
Rûyê gulê ez birdtim

Çiya berf û smoke e gulê
Gul sosin nemane gulê
Yê dimire beran e gulê
Rengê gulê ez kuştim

Gulê bêdil û bêcan
Gulê hekîm û sultan
Gulê rovî û satan
Sînga gulê ez kûştim

Dinê bêdengû zer bû
Tirba min li der bû
Neither êrîş bû nor evil bû gulê
Çavên gulê ez birdtim

Gulê bêdeng û bênaz
Gulê bekir û awaz
Gulê govend gulê naz
Dengê gulê ez birdtim

Gotin: Kamuran Ali Bedirxan
Music: Mirady

Neither arrow nor dagger
Neither snake nor dragon
Neither sword nor revolver
The smell of the rose killed me

Not a spring, not a river
In the evening chill
On a slope and a crooked road
The rose's face killed me

The mountains are snowy, smoky
Roses, lilies are exhausted
Let the dead be brave men
The colour of the rose killed me

The rose is reluctant and weak
Rose is both physician and sultan
Rose is cunning and devilish like a fox
The rose's sine killed me

It was a quiet neighbourhood
My grave is far away
Not an attack, not a war
The rose's eyes killed me

Rose quiet and calm
Rose pure and screaming
Rose cheerful, rose coy
The sound of the rose killed me

Lyrics: Kamuran Ali Bedirxan
Music: Mirady

It is not an arrow or a dagger
Neither is it a snake or a dragon
It isn't a sword or a revolver
The scent of the rose has killed me

It is not a spring or a river
In the midst of a cold evening
In a uphill and a wryly road
The face of the rose has killed me

The mountains are snowy and foggy
The roses and the crocuses are gone
The ones that dies are the brave ones
The colour of the rose has killed me

The rose is unwilling and weak
The rose is both a healer and a queen
The rose is sly like a fox
The chest of the has killed me

The surroundings were silent
My grave was far away
There wasn't an attack nor a war
The eyes of the rose has killed me

The rose is quite and calm
The rose is both pure and in a cry
The rose is joyful and coquetry
The voice of the rose has killed me

Lyrics: Kamuran Ali Bedirxan
Music: Mirady

My Bavê


Dema bavê min hîn sax bû
Shevek ez çûm cem, dil bi pirs bû
Min got bavo xelk dibên hûn mihacir in
Bê ax û qad û bê mal in

Ka metên me, pismamên me
Ka rez û dehl û darên me
Radimûsim herdû destên te
Qey tune bû sêv û gêlasên me

Bavê min got wer keçkoka min
Ez kalekî heftê û heşt sal im
Got kê dîtiye kalê bi guhar
Kê dîtiye pîra bi xirxal

Emir dçe weke par û pêrar
Em teyrên xerîb koç dikin hercar

Min got bavo qet neçûme welat
Nedîtime qet berfa sibat
Chevên dirêj, çîrokên civat
Nelîstim pêncok û xar û kaf

Ber derê xelqê weke xerîb
Bê dost û yar û bê hebîb
Rojek bê tirs û bê pirsan
Nebûm mêvana ap û xalan

Destê min girt, xist destên xwe
Got yê koçber , feqir û jar e
Got kê dîtiye kalê bi guhar
Kê dîtiye pîra bi xirxal

Emir dçe weke par û pêrar
Em teyrên xerîb koç dikin hercar

Gotin-Muzik: Rewshan

When my father was still alive.
I went to him one night and asked him curiously
Everyone says we're refugees, Dad.
That we are homeless, homeless and homeless

Where are our aunts, uncles, cousins?
Where is our vineyard, orchard, forest?
I kiss your hands, Dad.
Didn't we have apples and cherry orchards?

'Come, my daughter,' my father said and added
I'm up the ladder to eighty.
Who's ever seen a grandfather wearing an earring?
Who has ever seen a granny with an anklet on her foot?

Life is wasting away like it was yesterday.
And we wild birds are on migration routes

I said I've never been to my homeland, father.
I've never seen snow in February
Long fairy-tale nights
I've never played pentacles, marbles or love.

As if a stranger at the door of the hand far away
Neither a friend nor a lover
Not for a single day without question or enquiry.
I couldn't be a guest

He took my hands in his and said
The expatriate is poor and destitute
Who's ever seen a grandfather wearing an earring?
Who has ever seen a granny with an anklet on her foot?

Life is wasting away like it was yesterday.
And we wild birds are on migration routes

Lyrics-Music: Rewshan

When my father was still alive,
One night I went to him, with a heart full of questions.
I said "Father, others say that we are immigrants,
And that we are without a land, soil and nest."

Where are our aunts, our cousins?
Where are our yards, our branches?
I'll kiss both your hands,
Didn't we have our apples and cherries?

My father said "Come here my dear daughter.
I'm an old man of 78 years.
Who's ever seen a man with an earring.
Who's ever seen an old lady with an anklet?"

Life goes on just like yesteryear,
We the emigrant birds, we immigrate as always.

I said father "I've never been to my homeland,
I've never seen the snow of February,
The long nights, the fairy tale tales,
I've never played five stones and marbles."

Like strangers in the presence of others,
Without a friend, a loved one or a lover,
Not a day without any fear or questions,
Did I become the guest of anyone.

He took my hands into his hands,
And said "He whom is an immigrant, he is both poor and woeful.
Who's ever seen a man with an earring.
Who's ever seen an old lady with an anklet?"

Life goes on just like yesteryear.
We the emigrant birds, we immigrate as always.

Lyrics-Music: Rewshan

Yar Bêzarê


Pomegranate, pomegranate, pomegranate, pomegranate, pomegranate bêzarê
Sêva sorê lo, guliya darê
Sêva sorê lo, guliya darê
Lawno lêxin lo, bînin xwarê

Bêzar berxa nav gulxika
Pez berdaye lo nav darika
Kar berdaye lo dor darika
Çavê bêzarê lawika

Bêzar meşiya, kaniya kêzîn e
Support cêr e lo, yek misîn e
Support cêr e lo yek misîn e
Sed manekî lo, bi xwe re tîne

Sed manekî lo, bi xwe re tîne
Besi mesrefa lawîn e
Pomegranate, pomegranate, pomegranate, pomegranate, pomegranate bêzarê
Sêva sorê lo, guliya darê
Sêva sorê lo, guliya darê
Lawno lêxin lo, bînin xwarê

Gotin-Music: Gelêrî ji Çanda Kurdî

Yar, yar, yar, yar, yar silent yar
Red apple on the bud branch
Red apple on the bud branch
The braves want to pluck it from the branch

The taciturn half is a lamb in the meadows
He let the sheep loose in the bushes
He's letting the cubs out in the bushes.
The taciturn half's eyes are on the boy

The silent yar travelled to Kizin's fountain
Jug in one hand, pitcher in the other
Jug in one hand, pitcher in the other
He led a hundred noble horses

He led a hundred noble horses
For the sake of the boy's expense
Yar, yar, yar, yar, yar silent yar
Red apple on the bud branch
Red apple on the bud branch
The braves want to pluck it from the branch

Lyrics-Music: Traditional Kurdish Song

Love love love, dear silent love
The red apple, on top of the tree,
The red apple, on top of the tree,
Young man hit and bring them down.

Silent love is like a lamb in the meadows,
Has released the sheep among the bushes,
Has released the yeanlings among the bushes.
The silent love is looking at the young man.

Silent love is walking to Kezîn fountain,
One hand holding a pitcher, the other one holding a jug.
One hand holding a pitcher, the other one holding a jug.
Approaching with one hundred noble horses.

Approaching with one hundred noble horses,
Is enough to cover the mans expenses.
Love love love, dear silent love.
The red apple, on top of the tree,
The red apple, on top of the tree,
Young man hit and bring them down.

Lyrics-Music: Traditional Kurdish Song

Shalik Shînokê - Mayro


Taw naynim naynim naynim naynim shalik shînokê
Taw naynim naynim naynim naynim xortxapînokê
Shalika shîn e lo nadime'l ber xwe
Taw naynim naynim naynim naynim shalik shînokê
Shalika reş H'amûdî navême'l ser xwe
Taw naynim naynim naynim naynim xortxapînokê

Taw naynim naynim naynim naynim shalik shînokê
Taw naynim naynim naynim naynim xortxapînokê

Yelel en ap gı toğen
My lady le le le le le le le le, Le le le le le mayro
Kants nıran had gi shogen
Sevig sirun shad xorodig, xorodig mayro
Leylım le le le lilım le le le le, le le le le le mayro
Sevig sirun shad xorodig, xorodig mayro

Çûme nav mala lo Qoça Qezer e
Taw naynim naynim naynim naynim shalik shînokê,
Çûme nav şênya lo Qoça Qezer e
Taw naynim naynim naynim naynim xortxapînokê
Piştek kirîbû lo piştek kirîbû
Piştek kirîbû lo bi sed zêrê zer e

Taw naynim naynim naynim naynim shalik shînokê
Taw naynim naynim naynim naynim xortxapînokê

Agchi ari pan asem
Leylım le le le lilım le le le le, le le le le le mayro
Nadime pişta xwe lo shalika pîs e
Taw naynim naynim naynim naynim shalik shînokê
Mazerit manrig hüsem
Sevig sirun shad xoridig, xorodig mayro
Qîmeta şalikê lo bi sed zerre sîs e
Taw naynim naynim naynim naynim xortxapînokê
Leylım le le le lilım le le le le, le le le le le mayro
Taw naynim naynim naynim naynim shalik shînokê_
Leylım le le le lilım le le le le, le le le le le mayro
Taw naynim naynim naynim naynim xortxapînokê

Gotin-Music:Gelêrî ji Çanda Kurdî û Ermenî

Lyrics-Music: Traditional Kurdish - Armenian Folk Song


Lyrics-Music: Traditional Kurdish-Armenian Folk Song



Kavir çêrî Eledaxê,
Malik çêrî Eledaxê
Sed û yek kavir da ber daxê
Kevirê ker, kavirê kur, ma eyaxê

Wîşt hiho malê min,
Gundîno we çiye ji min,
Guhbelo li min dijmin
Serê malê yek kavir, du kavir, sê kavir,
Hûn bidin min ez ez ezeb im bidim jin
Dev tutik, pişt hutik,
Dêl masî, pişt kûsî
Çiqil tepipik elixan
Hevalo dora te jî

Kavir çêrî'w quçikan
Malheram çêrî'w quçikan
Revîm çûme nav keçikan
This teqiniya shimikan
Dest avête'w memikan,
Gayê qol da lotikan
Revîm ketime ber tepikan

Wîşt hiho malê min,
Gundîno we çiye ji min,
Guhbelo li min dijmin
Serê malê yek kavir, du kavir, sê kavir,
Hûn bidin min ez ez ezeb im bidim jin
Dev tutik, pişt hutik,
Dêl masî, pişt kûsî
Çiqil tepipik elixan
Hevalo dora te ji

Kavirê keliyê sîs e,
Malheramê keliyê sîs e
Dange dange dîse,
Hiriya wî kir werîs e,
Goştê wî kir helîs e,
Hoy hoy malê min

Wîşt hiho malê min,
Gundîno we çiye ji min,
Guhbelo li min dijmin
Serê malê yek kavir, du kavir, sê kavir,
Hûn bidin min ez ez ezeb im bidim jin
Dev tutik, pişt hutik,
Dêl masî, pişt kûsî
Çiqil tepipik elixan
Hevalo dora te ji

Gotin-Music: Gelêrî ji Çanda Kurdî

Grazed tofu in Aladağ
My property grazed in Aladağ
A hundred and one tofus were cauterised.
Cut ear, half-cut ear left lying around

Wow, my hearth
O villagers, what do you want from me?
Kepçekulak is my enemy (wolf)
One, two, three, three, one, two, three per household
Give it to me, I'm single, I'll get married
His mouth is crooked, his back is hunched,
Fish-tailed, turtle-backed
The branch projection, Alihan!
You'll be next!

Toklu grazed on the stones
My wasted property grazed on the stones
I ran between the girls.
There was a clatter of slippers.
My hands wandered in the navels
When veal hops
I ran and fell into the dung

Woe to my hearth
O villagers, what do you want from me?
Kepçekulak is my enemy (wolf)
One, two, three, three, one, two, three per household
Give it to me, I'm single, I'll get married
His mouth is crooked, his back is hunched,
Fish-tailed, turtle-backed
The branch projection, Alihan!
You'll be next!

The toad of the fog plain
Wasted, the toad of the fog plain
Travelling across the pastures
Rope is made from wool
Kashkek is made from its meat
Wow, my hearth

Woe to my hearth
O villagers, what do you want from me?
Kepçekulak is my enemy (wolf)
One, two, three, three, one, two, three per household
Give it to me, I'm single, I'll get married
His mouth is crooked, his back is hunched,
Fish-tailed, turtle-backed
The branch projection, Alihan!
You'll be next!

Lyrics-Music: Traditional Kurdish Song

Lyrics-Music: Traditional Kurdish Song

Hay Lê Lê


Ez ne dîn im ne hayha me
Hay lê lê, hay lê lê, hay lê lê dînê
Ser xanîkê xwe palda me
Hay lê lê, hay lê lê, hay lê lê dînê

Wî teresê teres bavê
Hay lê lê, hay lê lê, hay lê lê dînê
Ez sê caran li erdê dame
Hay lê lê, hay lê lê, hay lê lê dînê

Ez ne dîn im ne bi durist im
Hay lê lê, hay lê lê, hay lê lê dînê
Ser xanîkê xwe dinivistim
Hay lê lê, hay lê lê, hay lê lê dînê

Wî teresê teres bavê
Hay lê lê, hay lê lê, hay lê lê dînê
Ez sê caran li erdê xistim
Hay lê lê, hay lê lê, hay lê lê dînê

Ez ne dîn im ne hayha me
Hay lê lê, hay lê lê, hay lê lê dînê
Çavbelek çawa ez tevda me
Hay lê lê, hay lê lê, hay lê lê dînê

Wî teresê teres bavê
Hay lê lê, hay lê lê, hay lê lê dînê
Ez sê caran li erdê dame
Hay lê lê, hay lê lê, hay lê lê dînê

Gotin-Music: Gelêrî ji Çanda Kurdî

I'm neither mad nor crazy
Hay lê lê, hay lê lê, hay lê lê dînê (Crazy)
I'm resting on the roof of my house
Hay lê lê, hay lê lê, hay lê lê dînê (Crazy)

He's disobedient, he's a rascal.
Hay lê lê, hay lê lê, hay lê lê dînê
He knocked me down three times
Hay lê lê, hay lê lê, hay lê lê dînê

I'm neither mad nor honest
Hay lê lê, hay lê lê, hay lê lê dînê
I sleep on the roof of my own house
Hay lê lê, hay lê lê, hay lê lê dînê

He's disobedient, he's a rascal.
Hay lê lê, hay lê lê, hay lê lê dînê
He knocked me down three times
Hay lê lê, hay lê lê, hay lê lê dînê

I'm neither mad nor crazy
Hay lê lê, hay lê lê, hay lê lê dînê
How the black eyes deceived me
Hay lê lê, hay lê lê, hay lê lê dînê

He's disobedient, he's a rascal.
Hay lê lê, hay lê lê, hay lê lê dînê
He knocked me down three times
Hay lê lê, hay lê lê, hay lê lê dînê

Lyrics-Music: Traditional Kurdish Song

I'm neither crazy nor crazy
Hay lê lê, hay lê lê, hay lê lê dînê (Crazy)
I'm resting on the roof of my house
Hay lê lê, hay lê lê, hay lê lê dînê (Crazy)

He is a traitor, his father is also a traitor
Hay lê lê, hay lê lê, hay lê lê dînê
He knocked me down three times
Hay lê lê, hay lê lê, hay lê lê dînê

I'm neither crazy nor honest
Hay lê lê, hay lê lê, hay lê lê dînê
I sleep on the roof of my own house
Hay lê lê, hay lê lê, hay lê lê dînê

He is a traitor, his father is also a traitor
Hay lê lê, hay lê lê, hay lê lê dînê
He knocked me down three times
Hay lê lê, hay lê lê, hay lê lê dînê

I'm neither crazy nor crazy
Hay lê lê, hay lê lê, hay lê lê dînê
How dark eyes seduced me
Hay lê lê, hay lê lê, hay lê lê dînê

He is a traitor, his father is also a traitor
Hay lê lê, hay lê lê, hay lê lê dînê
He knocked me down three times
Hay lê lê, hay lê lê, hay lê lê dînê

Lyrics-Music: Traditional Kurdish Song

Dîlo Malê Min Dîlo


Erdê beriyê berjêr e mi'go dîlo malê min dîlo
Erdê beriyê berjêr e mi'go dîlo halê min dîlo
Berjêrî serejêr e mi'go dîlo malê min dîlo
Berjêrî serejêr e mi'go
To'ul eyt e, ruhil beyt e, gede li deşt e, mame li wîşt e
Dîlo malê min dîlo
Berjêrî serejêr e mi'go dîlo halê min dîlo

Erdê beriyê hevraz e mi'go dîlo malê min dîlo
Erdê beriyê hevraz e mi'go dîlo halê min dîlo
Mexelî pezê maz e mi'go dîlo malê min dîlo
Mexelî pezê maz e mi'go
To'ul eyt e, ruhil beyt e, gede li deşt e, mame li wîşt e
Dîlo malê min dîlo
Mexelî pezê maz e mi'go dîlo halê min dîlo

Erdê beriyê berjêr e mi'go dîlo malê min dîlo
Erdê beriyê berjêr e mi'go dîlo halê min dîlo
Mexelî pezê nêr e mi'go dîlo malê min dîlo
Mexelî pezê nêr e mi'go
To'ul eyt e, ruhil beyt e, gede li deşt e, mame li wîşt e
Dîlo malê min dîlo
Mexelî pezê nêr e mi'go dîlo halê min dîlo

Erdê beriyê berjêr e
Berjêrî serejêr e
Erdê beriyê hevraz e
Mexelî pezê maz e
Berjêrî serejêr e mi'go
To'ul eyt e, ruhil beyt e, gede li deşt e, mame li wîşt e
Dîlo malê min dîlo
Berjêrî serejêr e mi'go dîlo halê min dîlo

Berhevkar: Rewshan
Herêm: Bazid, Çaldıran- Gundê Dağdelenê
Chavkanî Tajdin Celik (50 sali), Ahmet Celik (90 sali)
Sala Berhevkariyê: 2014/2019
Ziman Kurmanji - Erebi

Compiler Rewshan
öre: East Beyazit / Çaldıran - Dağdelen Village
Source Person: Tajdin Celik (50 years), Ahmet Celik (90 years)
Year of Compilation: 2014 - 2019
Song Language: Kurmanji - Arabic

Compilation: Rewshan
Region: East Beyazit / Çaldıran- Dağdelen Village
Fountain Head: Tajdin Celik (50 years), Ahmet Celik (90 years)
Compilaton's year: 2014-2019
Languages: Kurmanji - Arabic



Çûçik çûye bin darê ra
Silavek shande ji yarê ra
Heçî di nava min û yara min fesadîkê bike
Xwedê nehêle ji biharê ra
Yarê yarê lê bêbext yarê
Kerbiyê yarê, korbiyê yarê

Ji diyêr de mîha reş tê
Dengê zingil bi min xweş tê
Serê çend sala ye ku
Şivanê mala bavê te li ber derd û kulan
Ji cîgerê lê xwîna reş tê
Yarê yarê lê bêbext yarê
Kerbiyê yarê, korbiyê yarê

Gotin-Music: Gelêrî ji Çanda Kurdî

The bird went under the tree
He sent a greeting
Whoever it is about me and my half
If he says a bad word.
May God keep her till spring
Yar, yar, unlucky yar,
Hear not, blind damn you, blind damn you

Black sheep comes from the bottom of the wall
I like the sound of bells
How many years have I been a shepherd in your father's hearth?
In trouble and anguish
Yar, yar, unlucky yar,
Hear not, blind damn you, blind damn you

Lyrics - Music: Kurdish Traditional Song

The bird went under the tree
He sent a greeting to his beloved
Whoever talks about me and my lover
If he talks bad
May God not let him go to spring
my darling, my darling, my unfaithful lover,
Be deaf my darling, be blind my darling

The black sheep comes from under the wall
The sound of bells is welcome to me
How many years have I been a shepherd in your father's home?
In trouble and pain
my darling, my darling, my unfaithful lover,
Be deaf my darling, be blind my darling

Lyrics-Music: Kurdish Traditional Song



Were em topkin bi hev re canê
Belgên tirîyê vê biharê
Were em rûnin li biniya darê
Topkin sêvên zivistanê
Were min bavêje nav gîhayê
Bikene heya siharê
Were bi min bikene
Bila ew tenê kenê te be

Lê lê lê lê lê lê lê xuçê
Serê tiliya te ya çûçik
Nadim tevahiya dinyayê

Bi derzî û ta ji kakilê guza
Dîsa didirûm wê gerdenê
Ew gerden tenê li te tê
Xuça min axîretê
Em bêhn bikin bi hev re gula
Dirêj bin wek simbila
Shîyar kin zaroktî ji xewa
Ev dem dema min û te ba

Lê lê lê lê lê lê lê xuçê
Serê tiliya te ya çûçik
Nadim tevahiya dinyayê

Gotin Tara Mamedova
Music: Rewshan

Let's pick it up together
This spring's grape leaves
Let's sit under the tree
Let's pick the winter apples

Come toss me in the grass
Laughing till dawn
Come and laugh at me
Let that smile be yours alone

Oh, my sister,
I'd like to see the tip of your pinky finger
I wouldn't change it for the world

From walnut shells with needle and thread,
I'll sew that necklace again
That necklace only suits you,
My sister from the afterlife.
Let's smell the roses together,
Let us lie down like hyacinths
Let's wake childhood from its slumber,
If only this time were our time

Oh sister, oh sister
I'd like to see the tip of your pinky finger
I wouldn't change it for the world

Lyrics: Tara Mamedova
Music: Rewshan

Come let's collect together
The grape leaves of this spring
Come let's sit under the tree
Let's pick the winter apples

Come throw me into the grass
Laugh till the morning
Come, laugh to me
Let that smile belong only to you

Oh my sister, oh my sister
the tip of your little finger
I won't trade for the whole world

From walnut shells with needle thread,
I will sew that necklace again
That neck only suits you,
My eternal sister.
Let's smell the roses together
Let's lie down like hyacinths
Let's wake up childhood from its sleep,
I wish this time was our time

Oh my sister, oh my sister
the tip of your little finger
I won't trade for the whole world

Lyrics: Tara Mamedova
Music: Rewshan

Ax Lê Wesê


Ax lê wesê lê lê lê lê
Wesîlayê way way
Ax lê wesê lê lê lê lê
Delîldayê way way

Te por sorê lê lê lê lê
Hine dayê way way way
Teşîrêsê lê lê lê lê
Çû serayê wa way

Mala wesê (gewrê) lê lê lê
Ji mala wê da way way way
Ez radimûsim lê lê lê lê
Ji mal bavê da way way

Riya bajêr lê lê lê lê
Rê dikişîne way way
Çondarê wesê lê lê lê lê
Av dikişîne way way

Ax lê wesê lê lê lê lê
Wesîlayê way way
Qirka (gewriya) wesê lê lê lê
Coral û morî way way

Gotin & Muzîk: Gelêrî

Vesilecan ah
Oh, Vesile
Oh my precious

O my red hair
O my henna
My wool weaver
The one who goes travelling

Vesile's house
From the other neighbourhood
I'll kiss her.
From your father's house

It takes a long time
The way of the city
The dew of the occasion
Siphon water

Oh, Vesile
Vesilecan ah
Vesile's neck
Coral, beaded

Lyrics & Music: Kurdish Anonymous

Oh my Wesê
My dear Wesîlya
Oh my Wesê
Oh my honest girl

You have red hair
Dyed with henna
Like a kestrel
You flew my dear

Oh my fair Wesê
Your house is over there
I shall kiss you
In your house my dear

The way to the city
Is a long way
With her jog on her shoulders
She is carrying water all the way

Oh my Wesê
My dear Wesîlya
Your neck my dear
Shines like coral

Music & Lyrics: Kurdish Traditional

Selîmo Lawo


Selîmo lawo te li min xêr e
Lo dîno lawo te li min xêr e
Malika yarê malika yarê
Malika dostê taxa jêr e

Tê ji Berec e, tê ji Berec e (Berec: navê gund e)
Lo lo lo lo lawo tê ji Berec e
Memikê dînê memikê dînê
Memikê dolê heb birinc e

Selîmo Lawo qusûr tune
Lo dîno lawo qusûr tune
Ew hez kiriye, ew hez kiriye
Ew hez kiriye, dilê min e

Selîmo lawo tu ji vî gundî
Lo dîno lawo, tu ji vî gundî
Keçika taxê, keçika taxê
Qîzika taxê çiqas rind î

Gotin-Music: Gelêrî Ji Çanda Kurdî

Selim boy, what do you want from me?
Crazy boy, what do you want from me?
Oh my half's house, oh my half's house
Lower neighbourhood

You come from the village of Berec
Oh, from the beautiful village of Berec
Oh, in the bosom of my half
Her breasts are made of grains of rice

Selim boy is perfect
Crazy boy is perfect
He is the one I love
He is my heart

Selim boy from this village
Crazy boy from this village
Girl of the neighbourhood, oh girl of the neighbourhood
You're more beautiful

Lyrics-Music: Kurdish Traditional Song

My dear Selimo what do you want from me
You crazy boy what do you want from me
My beloved ones house
Is so far from here

You live in Berec my dear
Oh my dear you live in Berec
My crazy one has such boobs
Her nipples are flowers

My dear Selimo does not have any deficit
My crazy one does not have any deficit
I am in love with him
I am fully in love with him

My dear Selimo lives in that village over there
In that village over there, my dear
The girls in your neighbourhood, woe me
Are so beautiful my dear

Lyrics-Music: Kurdish Traditional Song